Justice delayed: trial stayed after 11-year wait

NASSAU- A woman has beaten a murder charge due to an overburdened criminal justice system.

Genear McKenzie was 20 when she was arrested in 2009 for the shooting murder of Bahamasair pilot Lionel McQueen during a home-invasion. She was also accused of the attempted murder of McQueen’s cousin and roommate Montez Saunders during the September 20, 2009 home-invasion robbery.

Eleven years later, McKenzie had four judges, eight trial dates—but no trial. Witnesses were either unavailable or judges were hearing other trials.

The Court of Appeal ruled that the 11-year delay in the case breached her right to be tried in a timely manner.

The charges were permanently stayed on November 23 after prosecutors missed their final chance to start the trial.

McKenzie spent nearly three years in prison before she was released on bail.

Though McKenzie beat the charges on a technicality, the charges remain active against her codefendants Rhonda Knowles and Marvin Coleby.