Shooting victim arrested for armed robbery

NASSAU- Police arrested a shooting victim for armed robbery after he was released from hospital.

According to police, the 27-year-old was on a park in Rockrusher on January 4 shortly after 7 pm when he heard gunshots.

He was taken to hospital by private car after he realized he was shot in the thigh.

Following his discharge from hospital on the same day, police arrested the man on suspicion of armed robbery.

Earlier that day, around 6:30 pm, police went to Gibbs Corner to investigate a Shotspotter alert.

When the officers arrived, they met two teenage boys suffering from gunshot injuries.

A 16-year-old Podoleo Street was grazed over the eye and a 15-year-old of Taylor Street was shot in the leg.

Both teenagers were released from hospital after they received treatment.

Additionally, police said a man on bail was shot while cleaning his car on January 5.

Officers received a ShotSpotter alert on Franklyn Edgecombe Street in Fox Dale around 2pm.

Police said the victim was cleaning his car when the occupants of a black Suzuki Swift opened fire on him.

The man remains in hospital. Police said he was wearing an electronic monitor as a bail condition for an undisclosed offense.