Serial groper loses bid to cut sentence

NASSAU- Serial groper Sidney Cooper has lost his bid to reduce his six-year sentence for feeling up a teen in downtown Nassau.

Cooper, 45, grabbed the 18-year-old’s butt as she tucked her blouse into her skirt on June 12, 2019.

Cooper’s history of indecent assaults against women dates back to 2000, and he reoffends, almost immediately, after release.

He attacked the teenager days after his release from prison for groping a nine-year-old girl in 2016 and a policewoman. Cooper indecently assaulted the officer while on trial for groping the minor.

Despite this, Cooper argued that magistrate was wrong to double the maximum three-year sentence.

The Court of Appeal disagreed and dismissed Cooper’s appeal last month.

The Justices of Appeal said, “We are satisfied that the magistrate was correct to impose the additional three years having regard to the fact that it is clear that the appellant is a habitual offender.”

Cooper, 43, has been diagnosed with frotteurism—
the practice of achieving sexual stimulation or orgasm by touching and rubbing against a person without the person’s consent and usually in a public place.

The Court of Appeal ordered authorities “to make every effort to ensure that the appellant receives counselling, so that when he is released from prison that this does not happen again.”