Man jailed for stealing liquor during curfew

Nassau, BAHAMAS- A man who stole four bottles of vodka during a nationwide curfew has been jailed for two years.

Devon Russell broke the curfew when he burgled Smuggler’s Café and Bar on March 27 and swiped three bottles of Grey Goose and a bottle of Absolut vodka, worth $180.96.

But it wasn’t a clean escape from Russell. A security guard patrolling the property around 8:45 pm met Russell stuck in the bar’s shutters.

The guard called police who arrested Russell. The bottles of liquor were stuffed in his clothes.

He pleaded guilty to charges of shopbreaking and stealing at an arraignment before Deputy Chief Magistrate Andrew Forbes.

Russell also broke the curfew designed to contain the spread of the coronavirus in the country, which has 14 confirmed cases of the disease.

Liquor stores and bars were shut down as a result of the curfew that took effect on March 20.

Residents are supposed to be confined to their homes or yards, with limited exceptions.

Curfew exceptions are for those going to and from work at businesses considered essential. This includes medical personnel, law enforcement, members of the media, and essential store employees, among others.

Those who don’t work at essential businesses can leave home to buy groceries, fuel and medicine and to exercise.

However, police did not charge Russell with violation of curfew.

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