Jealous husband rams love rival’s car with his truck

NASSAU- A jealous husband who caught his estranged wife in another man’s car, drove after them, ramming his love rival’s car with his truck.

John Jacob Cates, 30, lost his cool after catching his wife with a policeman at Arawak Cay on February 2, a Magistrate’s Court heard.

The policeman drove off in a hurry with Cates in pursuit. Cates chased the couple along West Bay Street, ramming the back of the officer’s Honda Accord with his truck multiple times.

The officer received injuries to his back and his car was severely damaged.

The court heard that Cates suspected his wife of six years was having an affair, so he bugged and put a tracking device on her vehicle.

The wife was able to hear the couple’s conversation at Arawak Cay before they got into the officer’s car.

Thanks to the tracker, Cates knew their location and came to confront them. Cates has two children with his wife. However, she left him several months ago.

Cates, of Cowpen Road, pleaded guilty to causing harm and causing damage.

He was fined $500 for causing harm to the officer with a default sentence of one month in prison. Additionally, Cates has to pay $7,330 in restitution to avoid spending 30 days behind bars.

Copyright Bahamas Court News 2023