Sammi Starr held up outside his home

Sammi Starr

NASSAU-Musician Sammi Starr was held up at gunpoint Thursday night outside his home on St. Alban’s Drive.

The entertainer spoke about the terrifying experience in a Facebook post a few hours after it happened.

He wrote, “I thank God for sparing my life, it could have been so much worse. I can’t imagine leaving my family behind so soon or at all.”

According to the post, two gunmen, who appeared no older than 17, pulled him out of his wife’s car and forced him to lie facedown as they pointed a gun to the back of his head while they searched him and the car.

Sammi Starr said the worst part of the experience was that his children witnessed the robbery while looking outside. He said they called out to him “not realising what was happening.”

Sammi Starr wrote, “All I was saying and praying to God was, ‘Please don’t kill me in front of my family and, for that matter, at all because I have so much to live for.’”

“God answered my prayers. After about three minutes of searching my pockets, my car, they grabbed my hat off of my head, threw it down and suddenly stopped and ran away.”

Police have not reported the incident.