Panic as suspect dies in court

TRAGIC: Jermaine Adderley died in court

NASSAU-A packed courtroom watched in horror as a drug suspect died from an epileptic seizure Monday morning.
According to witnesses, court staff and police were in a panic as 26-year-old Jermaine Adderley convulsed uncontrollably.
The tragic incident calls into question whether police have adequate training to deal with medical emergencies.
Adderley, according to his lawyer Keith Seymour, did not request his medication while in custody despite a history of seizures.
A coroner’s inquest will be held to investigate the circumstances surrounding Adderley’s death.
Adderley was arrested with Michael Newland, 39, and Tristan Johnson, 18, on January 10.
Police allege they had 7.8 ounces of marijuana, 187 ecstasy pills, 21 grams of ecstasy powder, which they intended to supply. They were also charged with possession of one gram of cocaine.
Seymour said his client who had a pending trial on charges of peddling narcotics and prescription drugs was a victim of circumstances.
Seymour said he was “simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
Deputy Chief Magistrate Andrew Forbes suspended court for the day because his staff was reportedly traumatized by the incident.
The arraignment of Adderley’s co-accused took place in another court.
Newland and Johnson were arraigned on the drug charges before Magistrate Jeanine Weech-Gomez.
They denied the charges and were denied bail.
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