New trial for man who killed gay banker

NASSAU-The man who fatally stabbed banker DeVince Smith at his home will face a second trial four years after his conviction.

Tried for murder, Lamar Albury was convicted of the lesser charge of manslaughter in 2017. He received a 20-year sentence.

But the Court of Appeal questioned the safety of the jury’s verdict after the trial judge failed to properly state Albury’s defense.

In testimony, Albury claimed that he had killed Smith in self-defense.

He said that Smith had hired him to paint his condominium on St Alban’s Drive in December 2015.

But, he alleged that the banker made an unwanted sexual advance towards him.

Albury claimed Smith got angry when he turned him down—and grabbed his penis.

Fearing that he would be raped, Albury said he stabbed Smith 33 times in self-defense.

Smith, a volleyball coach, worked at Pictet Bank and Trust.

Since the jury acquitted Albury of murder, he will be retried for murder.