Jealous man jailed for second attack on his ex

Leon Chase admits assault on girlfriend
Nassau Village resident Leon Chase

NASSAU-A Nassau Village man who cut his ex-partner on the back in a jealous rage has been jailed for one year.

Leon Chase, otherwise known as “Smiley”, broke into the woman’s home on March 28 and accused her of having an affair.

Chase entered the home at Bishop Street after 2am and attacked the woman in front of their children, the court heard.

He pleaded guilty to assault with a dangerous instrument, entry by night and criminal damage. Chase caused $15.12 in damage to a lock on the woman’s bedroom window and ruined her 32-inch Toshiba television, valued at $398.

Magistrate Rolle-Davis on Wednesday ordered Chase to reimburse the woman for the damage to her property to avoid spending an extra month in prison. The prison sentence will run concurrently with a nine-month sentence imposed for a probation violation.

The magistrate also told Chase not to bother his ex after he’s released from prison.

History of violence

Chase, of Matthew Street, has a long arrest history for domestic abuse against the woman. But, in the past, she refused to prosecute.

The couple called it quits for good in January when Chase was placed on probation after he punched the woman for flirting with a “sissy girl” in a neighborhood bar.

Chase said he was sorry for breaking a bottle of coconut rum across the woman’s back, which resulted in her getting stitches.

However, he didn’t think he should be held responsible for the break-in and damage.

According to Chase, the home and the television belonged to him.

Magistrate Rolle-Davis allowed the victim to respond to Chase’s claims.

The woman said that Chase helped to build the home on her lot, but she said had purchased the building material.

Chase, however, still laid claim to his gifts.

‘Pay me’

He said, “Who tile out the house? I do every work. Everything in the house is mine.”

“Whatever the court tell me do, I gone do. If the court tell me stay from there, I will stay from there. If the court tell you pay me, then pay me.”

The woman asked, “What I have to pay you for, Leon?

Chase replied, “I have receipts for my things, you know. I get proof for what I done do for you.”

The woman said, “All those things you were doing was because we were in a relationship.”

The prosecutor, Inspector Claudette McKenzie, interjected. She said, “He must understand what a gift is. That’s not his wife. They did not purchase this property together. He must understand that does not give him a right to enter the property, cause damage and cause harm to [name omitted].”

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