Jail for sex beast who raped his daughter

NASSAU- A father who raped the daughter he had previously disowned has been convicted of incest.

The 48-year-old businessman betrayed the trust of his then-teenage daughter who had longed for a relationship with him.

The man, who had denied fathering her, was made to pay child support after a DNA test confirmed paternity.

Tragically, just two years after coming in her life, the man took his then-15-year-old daughter’s virginity in 2015.

He violated her again on his birthday in 2016 after making her watch a porn video with him.

Both incidents took place at the New Providence gated community where he lived with his fiancée and their son.

The girl reported the incident to police after her father pleaded with her to keep silent because he didn’t want to lose his freedom during a phone call.

The girl handed over her phone with the recording to police when she filed a complaint in 2017.

The man claimed that his daughter lied on him because she was angry he wouldn’t buy her a car.

The sex beast father has been remanded to prison until December 12 for sentencing.

His lawyer Murrio Ducille has requested a social inquiry report to help the court in deciding a sentence.

Assistant Director of Public Prosecutions Basil Cumberbatch prosecuted.

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