Contractor jailed for ignoring bail sign in requirement

NASSAU-A magistrate sent a contractor to prison for three months for failing to meet his bail conditions.

Police discovered that Alcott Roach, 34, had violated his bail conditions after they arrested him on a ganja charge on August 20.

Officers found six grams of marijuana during a search of Roach’s home in South Ocean Estates.

While processing Roach, police realised that he hadn’t signed in at the Western Police Station since October 15, 2019 as part of his bail condition for drug and firearm possession charge.

In court, Roach pleaded guilty to drug possession and violation of bail.

He didn’t provide an acceptable reason for failing to check-in at the police station.

At first, Roach’s lawyer suggested that the covid-19 restrictions that shut down public transportation were to blame.

However, Deputy Chief Magistrate Andrew Forbes pointed out that those restrictions didn’t come into effect until March 2020.

He said that Roach didn’t take his bail requirements seriously.

Magistrate Forbes fined Roach $350 or one month in prison on the marijuana possession charge.