Protesters released on bail

NASSAU-A number of protesters arrested Tuesday morning were released on police bail after being charged with unlawful assembly.

The 39 protesters gathered near Windsor Park to speak out against the immediate imposition of a seven-day lockdown for New Providence.

Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis took members of his government and the country by surprise when he ordered the closure of all food stores pharmacies and gas stations Monday night.

The protesters condemned the decision that left many without adequate time to secure sufficient provisions for one week.

One woman said, “We are here by Super Value Windsor Park and we are part of Operation Sovereign Bahamas and we have no problem with the lockdown, we know the (necessity) of the lockdown, but we want preparation.

“There is no food in the house, no job, we want to be able to be free to move around. We could obey the lockdown but we need preparation, you don’t instantly put people in the cage with nothing to do, that’s why we (are) here.”

The protest took a violent turn when a man threw an object at a police car. Police spokesman ASP Audley Peters said he will be charged with causing damage.

All of the protesters are free on $500 bail and their arraignment is scheduled for August 27.

Dr Minnis later lifted the lockdown, citing the potential of a weather system to impact the country by Sunday.

As of August 19, grocery stores, pharmacies, water depots, gas stations and hardware stores can open from 6am to 9pm, until further notice. Food wholesalers and manufacturers can also operate.

NIB cheque distribution resumes at the National Stadium. However, banks didn’t receive clearance to resume services.