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More suspects charged in street robbery


NASSAU-Police have charged two more suspects in an armed robbery in the East Street area.

Jerome Young told police that six masked men robbed him of a $100 cellphone and his wallet that contained $1,525 in cash on June 5 around 9pm as he walked on Anderson Street.

Exactly one week later, Antonio Murray, 24, of Honeycombe Street, appeared in court accused of robbing Young at gunpoint.

He faced the alternative charge of receiving $200 of the stolen cash.

On June 15, Delgardo Rolle, of Taylor Street, and a 16-year-old boy appeared before Deputy Chieg Magistrate Andrew Forbes on June 15 accused of holding up Young while armed with a gun.

None of the suspects had to enter pleas to the charges.

They’ve all been denied bail and return to court on October 14. That’s when prosecutors plan to send the case to the Supreme Court for trial.

Teen accused of stealing doctor’s wallet


NASSAU-A 14-year-old girl has denied stealing a doctor’s wallet.

Prosecutors allege that she stole a wallet that belonged to Dr. Nicholas Fox on June 3. The wallet contained Fox’s debit and credit cards as well as identification.

The teenager appeared before Magistrate Samuel McKinney with her mother on June 15 to answer the charge.

She’s set to appear before the Juvenile Panel on July 7.

McKinney has placed the teenager on a 7pm curfew. She can only leave home after the curfew if she’s accompanied by a guardian.


Car Wash jailed for beating child “who didn’t want to learn”


NASSAU-Social media personality Alesha “Car Wash” McNeil has admitted to beating a child left in her care so badly that he bruised.

McNeil, known for her Facebook videos, pleaded guilty to cruelty to children when she appeared before Deputy Chief Magistrate Andrew Forbes.

The eight-year-old’s mother called police on June 5 after she saw marks on her son’s back and stomach, the prosecutor said.

McNeil, 23, of Third Street, The Grove, said she disciplined the child with the father’s permission because he didn’t “want to learn.”

McNeil claimed that she was teaching the boy how to read and write, but he told her “he wasn’t into that.”

The child, McNeil said, wanted to sing her song instead. But she told the child that she wanted him to “be smart.”

She claimed that the child’s father told her, “Baby, if he doesn’t learn, beat him.”

The court said that McNeil had clearly beaten the child to an extent the the marks were visible the following day.

However, McNeil said her mother used to beat her when she didn’t want to learn.

Forbes said the child’s father should have been charged too.

“To my mind he is equally responsible, because he had no authority to give you permission to beat his child. If he wanted to engage in that conduct, he should have done so, and then explain it to his ex-girlfriend.”

The magistrate asked McNeil how she would feel if another woman had disciplined her child. The question was a hypothetical one since she doesn’t have any children.

However, McNeil that she would “feel some type of way.”

Forbes said that child abuse in any form was unacceptable.

In sentencing McNeil to three months in prison, Forbes said he took into account McNeil’s early guilty plea and clean criminal record. He said the court did not consider her convictions as a juvenile.

McNeil is originally from Grand Bahama. She said she moved to New Providence after the devastation of Hurricane Dorian in 2019.

car wash tricks and buying guide

Daddi Whites jailed for his ‘worst video’


NASSAU-Internet personality and comedian Jonathan “Daddi Whites” Russell has been jailed for the “worst video” of his life.

The video of Lionel Hart Sr., 55, holding his two-year-old son as Russell gave him a beer cost them their freedom.

Russell and Hart pleaded guilty to a charge of cruelty to children at their arraignment before Deputy Chief Magistrate Andrew Forbes on June 15.

Video that sent Daddi Whites to prison

Addressing the court on his behalf, Russell said, “I’ve done thousands of videos and this is the worst video I’ve ever did.”

Russell told the court video was intended to advertise a liquor store.

He said that he removed the video immediately after receiving “backlash”, but it had already gone viral.

Russell claimed that the bottle really contained soda.

The child’s father said that Russell asked him to take a photo with his child.

Hart said he didn’t know what was in the beer bottle, although Russell told the child to “drink the whole beer” in his presence.

He conceded he was wrong to permit Russell to make the video and asked the court to show him mercy.

Hart told the court that the child was now with his sister.

The magistrate said he did not see how a child drinking alcohol would improve the liquor store’s image.

Additionally, Forbes chastised Hart for his poor judgment in allowing a stranger to give his child an unknown drink.

Forbes sentenced each convict to three months in prison and advised them of their right to appeal.

They faced a maximum of two years in prison. However, the court considered their lack of previous conviction and early admission of guilt in sentencing.

Suspect in street robbery denied bail


NASSAU-Police have a charged a suspect in an armed robbery in the East Street area.

Prosecutors say Antonio Murray, 24, of Honeycombe Street, robbed Jerome Young at gunpoint of a $100 cellphone and a wallet that contained $1,525 cash on June 5.

Murray faces the alternative charge of receiving $200 in proceeds from the armed robbery.

The victim told police that six masked men—one armed with a cutlass, another with a gun, accosted and robbed him at Anderson Street around 9pm.

Murray did not have a lawyer when he made his initial court appearance before Chief Magistrate Joyann Ferguson-Pratt.

Murray did not enter a plea because the case will be heard in the Supreme Court.

Prosecutors plan to send the case to the Supreme Court on October 14.

Ferguson-Pratt denied bail and remanded Murray to the Bahamas Department of Correctional Services.

However, the magistrate him of his right to apply to the Supreme Court for bail.


Former fugitive remanded on double murder charge

FREEPORT-Police have charged a former fugitive with a double murder that took place in 2017.

Kyas Alphonso Duncombe was featured on the country’s most-wanted list after a fatal shooting at Game Time Sports Lounge on February 1, 2017.

Following his arrest last week, Duncombe appeared before the Magistrate Charlton Smith charged with the murders of Joseph Bain, 27,and Stephon LaFrance, 25.

Duncombe, 22, of Bailey Town, Bimini, was not required to enter to plea to the charge.

Smith denied bail because he does not have the authority to consider bail for the offenses.

However, Smith advised Duncombe that his lawyers could seek bail in the Supreme Court.


Mother and sons left homeless after attack


Shocking footage as Francesca Sanon is attacked by her mother and boyfriend while holding her two-month-old baby. The infant received injuries that required surgery when his mother fell

Warning: Graphic content and explicit language

NASSAU-Domestic abuse victim Francesca Sanon has nowhere to go.

The 21-year-old mother-of-two is homeless after a vicious attack that left her newborn in hospital with an eye infection and fluid in his lungs.

Sanon had the baby in her arms when her boyfriend, Jeffrey Lubin, 24, and mother, Ronsa Noel, 52, attacked her at the Cowpen Road Haitian Village on June 7.

She fell on top of the infant during the assault and he received facial injuries that required surgery. Sanon’s two-year-old son also fell as Noel struck and bit her daughter. Luckily, he wasn’t seriously hurt.

Sanon told Bahamas Court News that the baby could be released from hospital this week. However, her present living conditions are less than ideal for a convalescing child.

A friend gave her a place to stay after the attack. She’s grateful for the help, but the place has no electricity or running water.

Sanon said, “I just want somewhere comfortable for the children.”

She had previously lived with Lubin. But Sanon sought refuge at her mother’s place after they had a row over his cheating.

However, Lubin followed her there and Noel allowed him to stay the night.

Sanon said she left the following day after her mother asked her to leave.

She said, “I just wanted to get away because my mommy asked me to leave her house. She was insulting me.”

The young mother didn’t know where she would end up, but she left.

That’s when Lubin followed and dragged her back towards the house as she held their child.

Sanon said this wasn’t the first time that Lubin was violent towards her.

Sanon called out for help. And her mother came and joined the attack by striking her and biting her hand. When she fell, Sanon’s mother took her sons and returned to the house.

Asked why her mother sided with Lubin, Sanon replied, “I don’t know why. She just don’t love me. She always treated me bad.”

Police arrested Lubin and Noel. They pleaded guilty to exposing a child to grievous harm and assaulting Sanon when they appeared before Senior Magistrate Derence Rolle-Davis.

Lubin and Noel are on remand pending sentencing scheduled for June 24.

The incident, however, has put Sanon at odds with her family.

She said, “Everybody saying I put my mom in jail. I don’t know what to do. They just don’t’t understand. They don’t even care about my baby.”

A bystander captured Sanon’s attack on video and turned over the footage to police. The magistrate viewed the video on Friday, June 12.

In the video, a man tells Lubin and Noel to let her go. He also warns they were going to jail.

The magistrate viewed the footage to help him determine the appropriate sentence. He also wants Sanon to make a victim impact statement.

Sanon isn’t working at the moment and desperately needs money to sustain herself and her children.

She said she can do maid work. If you can help Sanon financially or with a job, please contact her via WhatsApp on 468-3235.



Police kill three men in shootout


NASSAU-Police killed three men after one of them allegedly opened fire on officers from inside a car Saturday.

It all began when officers on patrol saw a tinted, white Honda Accord near the eastern side of the Spikenard Road Cemetery as a burial took place around noon.

According to Police Commissioner Paul, the driver left as the officers approached.

Soon after, the officers saw the same car through a side corner.

However, this time when an officer approached the car someone inside allegedly opened fire, Rolle said.

This officer retreated and his partner returned fire, killing all three men.

Rolle said the officers could not see inside the car due to the dark tints.

None of the officers were hurt in the exchange.

Police said they found a gun inside the vehicle. And investigators that the men were after someone attending the funeral.

Rolle said, “We won’t stand by and allow our officers to be injured or the public.”

The dead men, who were known to police, have been identified by their street names: Spider, Rider and Dog Bite.



Man who spent seven years in prison freed on appeal


NASSAU-The Court of Appeal has freed a man who spent seven years in prison for allegedly killing a man during an attempted armed robbery.

Police arrested Dominic Thompson, 33, hours after Domingo Duncan’s murder on April 7, 2013.

He was gunned down during an attempted robbery in the parking lot of the Blue Waters Lounge.

Though tried for murder and attempted murder, jurors acquitted Thompson of murder.

Instead, they convicted him of manslaughter and attempted armed robbery.

Justice Carolita Bethell imposed concurrent sentences of 25 years and 10 years for manslaughter and attempted armed robbery.

In a decision delivered this week, Justice of Appeal Milton Evans said that the erred by letting jurors consider a manslaughter charge.

He said, “This was a case of murder or nothing.”

According to the prosecution, Thompson and Julien McKenzie were at Magic City when his friend Tech asked for a ride. McKenzie, the driver, agreed and they went to the Blue Waters Lounge. When they arrived, Tech exited the car and announced his intention to rob Duncan. Prosecutors said Thompson acted as the lookout and McKenzie was the getaway driver.


Additionally, Evans said the trial judge failed to address a “major inconsistency” between an eyewitness’s account and Thompson’s alleged confession on which the Crown based its case.

The eyewitness said that only one person approached Duncan’s car. On the other hand, in the confession, Thompson said that he and the gunman, Tech, went to the car. Tech died before the trial. The jury convicted Thompson and McKenzie of manslaughter and attempted armed robbery.

When Thompson testified in his defence at trial, he said he never approached Duncan with tech. The only eyewitness, Deshan Gibson, confirmed this in her testimony. She said only one person approached Duncan before shooting him in a struggle.

Evans said the judge was obligated to tell jurors that the the eyewitness’ account was consistent with Thompson’s defence

Evans said, “The Crown’s evidence on what role the appellant played was inconsistent and thus unclear.

“The judge had an obligation to deal with this issue and point out to the jury the inconsistency, as it was clearly very material to the issue which they had to decide.

Evans said the judge’s failure to point out the discrepancies “was a serious error and goes to the root of the safety of the verdicts.”

Christina Galanos represented Thompson at his trial and during the appeal. Linda Evans appeared for the Crown.


‘I want justice’, cutlass attack victim tells court


NASSAU-The victim of a cutlass attack has asked a magistrate to jail his attacker in addition to ordering compensation.

Michael Thompson, 30, of Wilson Track, has pleaded guilty to causing grievous bodily harm to Wilfred Farrington.

Thompson chopped Farrington across the face as he took a shortcut in the Wilson Track area with his girlfriend on June 3. She ran to a neighbour for help as they began to struggle, the prosecutor told the court.

Sergeant Samantha Miah told the court that Thompson admitted the attack during his police interview. However, Thompson told officers Farrington tried to attack him with a knife.

The incident left Farrington has a four-inch scar on the left side of his face and has affected his sight.

While giving a victim impact statement before Chief Magistrate Joyann Ferguson-Pratt on Friday, Farrington said needed surgery to repair a fractured jawbone.

Farrington said, “I seek justice, jail time and compensation. I could’ve died and I take this seriously.”

According to Farrington, the incident also hurt his pocket.

He said, “I have two kids and I am the breadwinner. I also have rent to pay and I don’t know what I’ll tell my landlord next week, because I don’t have the money.”

The magistrate wants proof of Farrington’s lost earnings and his rental agreement before she sentences Thompson on Monday, June 15.

In a plea of mitigation, attorney Ian Cargill said that Thompson was “extremely remorseful.”

Thompson, a self-employed father-of-two takes care of his children and “sickly mother”, Cargill said.

Meanwhile, Thompson remains on remand at The Bahamas Department of Corrections.

Grievous harm can be tried in the Supreme Court and Magistrates’ Court. Thompson wanted his matter heard in the lower court where the sentencing cap is seven years.

Acid attack exposes sentencing double standard

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