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Bahamian loses bid to adopt Jamaican step-child


NASSAU-A Bahamian man has lost a bid to adopt his Jamaican stepdaughter.

MM applied to adopt his Jamaican wife’s daughter in October 2017, two months shy of her 17th birthday.

When Justice Donna Newton refused the application in October 2019, his stepdaughter was legally an adult.

Justice Newton ruled that “the true motive of the application was to achieve citizenship.”

MM, who began dating his stepdaughter’s mother in 2008 and married her in 2010, appealed the judge’s decision. MM said became a father figure to his wife’s child in 2008.

In a decision delivered on Thursday, the Appeals Court said the judge had no authority to grant an adoption because the stepdaughter was no longer an infant in 2019.

However, the court said the three-year delay in hearing the application was “deplorable and regrettable.”

MM’s stepdaughter’s biological father is Jamaican. She will celebrate her 20th birthday on December 6.

Probation for women who bought stolen a/c units


NASSAU- Two women looking for bargains online bought stolen split air conditioning units, a court heard.

Nadia Oliver and Lurline Ferguson pleaded guilty to receiving stolen property on Thursday.

The women each paid $300 for the units that were stolen from Keithwood Stubbs’ vacant apartment last month.

Police recovered the stolen units from Oliver and Ferguson this week, with the help of the thieves.

Officers arrested Aaron Johnson, Darrio Wilson and Antwoyne Miller with two more split units August 10.

Police on static duty found the air conditioning units when they searched the car the men were traveling in.

While under arrest, the men took investigators to the people who bought Mr Stubbs’ property and police recovered the stolen goods, valued at $919.

Johnson, Wilson and Miller pleaded guilty to stealing the air conditioners from Mr Stubbs’ home.

They also pleaded guilty to unlawful possession of the units found in the vehicle.

Magistrate Samuel McKinney sentenced Oliver and Ferguson to probation for one year. A breach of probation will result in a $500 fine or three months in prison.

Magistrate Mckinney fined Johnson and Miller, who both have prior convictions $1,800 or six months in custody.

He fined Wilson $1,000 or six months in prison for his first conviction.

Fined for leaving home to buy cigarettes during lockdown


NASSAU- A man left home to buy cigarettes during the national lockdown.

Police arrested Rosscini Forbes, 31, of Eastern Road, when they stopped his car at Romer Street in Fox Hill on August 12.

Magistrate Samuel McKinney fined Forbes $500 or three months in prison for breaking coronavirus lockdown rules.

Forbes was fined an additional $300 for lying to police about his name. He gave his name as Kevin McGregor but officers later learned his true identity.

$1,500 fine for receiving stolen car


NASSAU-Police recovered a stolen car outside a man’s home.

Philip McCartney, 37, claimed he bought the $15,000 car for $3,500.

Despite this claim, he couldn’t provide police with a bill of sale.

He pleaded guilty to receiving on Wednesday.

Jason Knowles reported the Toyota Mark II stolen from outside a bar on October 28, 2019.

Police found the car at McCartney’s home on Alexandria Boulevard on August 10.

Magistrate Samuel McKinney ordered McCartney to a pay $1,500 fine to avoid a six-month prison sentence.

Former ATM serviceman stole $9,440


NASSAU-A former ATM serviceman stole $9,440 last month by using an override code.

Seymour stole the money from a Scotiabank ATM at the SuperClubs Breezes on July 28 and 30. Security cameras captured both thefts.

While in custody, Seymour told the police that someone gave him the codes that he used to steal $4,040 and $5,400 two days apart.

He pleaded guilty to two counts of stealing at his arraignment before Magistrate Samuel McKinney on Wednesday.

Magistrate McKinney fined Seymour $1,000 on each count and ordered him to repay the stolen money by October 1.

If he doesn’t, he’ll spend one year in prison.

Seymour has a pending case before Deputy Chief Magistrate Andrew Forbes in which he’s accused of stealing $233,000 from CIBC First Caribbean ATMs over four months.

Prosecutors say that he committed the thefts with the assistance of Samantha Gilbert, who then worked as the bank’s ATM supervisor.

Seymour and Gilbert faced those charges in January. He now operates a travel company.

Woman charged with libel over Facebook post


NASSAU- A woman maliciously accused a policeman of sexually molesting underage girls, prosecutors say.

Vanessa Darville, 38, of Frangipani Avenue, Garden Hills, on Wednesday denied a charge of intentional libel that stemmed from a Facebook post made this month.

Prosecutors allege that Darville intended to defame the officer’s character with the false claim.

Darville and Roosevelt Jean, 38, also denied charges of misusing the telecommunications system to the annoyance of the officer.

They return to court for trial on November 25.

Deputy Chief Magistrate Andrew Forbes set Darville’s bail at $2,500 and Jean’s bail at $1,500.

Man fined for threat to kill ex


NASSAU- A jealous man threatened to kill his ex-girlfriend because he thought she was sleeping with another man.

Brandon Fisher, 34, Providence Avenue, phoned the woman on August 5 and asked if she was sleeping with anyone.

When she didn’t answer, he said he would kill her.

The woman reported the matter to police and they arrested him.

Fisher pleaded guilty to threats of death at his arraignment before Magistrate Samuel McKinney.

He asked the court for leniency, saying he needed to control his temper.

The magistrate said a threat to kill was not to be taken lightly.

Taking into account Fisher’s guilty plea, the magistrate fined him $1,500 fine. If he doesn’t pay, he’ll spend a year in prison.

Additionally, Fisher’s been placed on probation for two years. He’ll serve nine month for violating his probation.

VBI delay for man accused of getting teen pregnant


NASSAU-A man accused of getting a schoolgirl pregnant still hasn’t had his case transferred to the Supreme Court for trial.

Prosecutors charged Justin Pratt with multiple counts of unlawful sexual intercourse in January.

Police arrested Pratt, 37, after they found the 14-year-old girl, who had ducked school, at his home in the Carmichael Road area on January 14.

Prosecutors allege that Pratt began raping the child in June 2019.

He had initially elected trial before a magistrate.

However, prosecutors decided to move the case to the Supreme Court by a voluntary bill of indictment (VBI).

But the VBI still wasn’t ready when he appeared in court on Tuesday.

Pratt, the owner of High Roller’s Sports Bar on Faith Avenue, returns to court on August 21.

The accused child rapist is free on bail.

Drug dealing couple lose appeal


NASSAU- A husband and wife have failed to convince an appeals court to toss their drug convictions.

Patrick Bosfield was sentenced to 2 ½ years behind bars and fined $15,000. If he doesn’t pay the fine before his sentence expires, Bosfield will spend another year in prison.

His wife Veronica was fined $15,000 or one year in prison.

Police executed a search warrant on the couple’s home at Devonshire Drive in Coral Harbour on April 5, 2018.

They found drugs, with a total weight of 75 pounds, throughout the home. Additionally, the found 68 marijuana plants in 20 pots around the swimming pool.

Police found drugs on a tray on the kitchen counter, in the kitchen cupboard, on the night stand in Mrs Bosfield’s bedroom and in the ceiling of the home.

Officers also seized a vacuum sealer and plastic bags.

The Bosfields were convicted on charges of drug possession with intent to supply and drug cultivation in October 2019.

Magistrate Samuel McKinney convicted Mr Bosfield and found him responsible for all of the seized drugs.

However, he only convicted Mrs Bosfield of possession of the drugs found in plain sight in the home.

Upon arrest, Mr Bosfield told the officers that he smoked marijuana for pain. He said if the government allowed each citizen to have at least 15 ganja plants “people would stop killing.”

He did not dispute this at trial. As a result, the appeals court said Mr Bosfield’s conviction was inevitable.

Mrs Bosfield argued that she was wrongly convicted because the drugs belonged to her husband.

Still, she admitted knowledge about the marijuana plants. Concerning the drugs in the kitchen, Mrs Bosfield said her husband smoked recreationally.

Dismissing the appeals on Tuesday, Sir Michael Barnett said Magistrate’ McKinney’s finding was “unimpeachable.”

He said it was reasonable for the magistrate to find Mrs Bosfield had control of the drugs found in open areas.

Two robbed after answering Facebook ad


NASSAU-Two people were robbed Monday while trying to buy cellphones after responding to ads on Facebook.

Police said the a met the male seller at Joe Farrington Road at 8am.

Before the sale concluded, another man appeared and robbed the purchaser at gunpoint.

Then both men fled in a blue Nissan Bluebird.

The robbers struck again at 10am.

The man met a woman at Windward Road in Imperial Park.

She wanted to buy a phone he’d advertised on Facebook.

A second man robbed her at gunpoint and both men left the scene in a Nissan Bluebird.

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