Man fined for threat to FNM MP

NASSAU- A man has been fined $500 for threatening an FNM MP.

Magistrate Kendra Kelly convicted Garvin “G Money” Dawkins of threatening Travis Robinson in two Facebook live videos in May 2020.

Robinson, who lost his seat for Bain Town in the September 16 general election, claimed that the videos put him in fear of physical harm.

In the videos, Dawkins, 47, said he would drop a bombshell on Robinson.

He added, “You won’t know what hit you. I ga f***ing deal with you; I will sort you out.”

Ex-FNM MP Travis Robinson said he never heard the word bombshell used in a political context

Robinson said he was too afraid to leave his home after seeing the videos because he thought he would be shot.

According to Robinson, he had never heard the word bombshell used in a political context.

However, Robinson did admit that Dawkins appeared disgruntled with his representation as an MP.

Dawkins, who campaigned for Robinson in 2017, testified that his words were taken out of context.

He said his “bombshell” was politically damaging news about contracts Robinson had awarded.

Robinson did not provide details about the contracts in his testimony.

However, Magistrate Kelly did not believe his defence.

She conceded that the meaning of the word “bombshell” would have been up for debate if used alone.

But, she said the statement became a threat when Dawkins added, he would not know what hit him and he would deal with him.

Magistrate Kelly said that Dawkins spoke with “aggression.”

Dawkins will serve a default sentence of one month in prison if he doesn’t pay the fine.

Magistrate Kelly has suspended the payment of the fine until February.