Man accused of trying to fix verdict in murder case

NASSAU – A man tried to influence an acquaintance’s vote in his cousin’s murder trial, a court heard yesterday.

Sharano Davis, 25, faces a charge of obstruction of justice over his May 4 Facebook message to the juror, who had been selected to decide the fate of accused killer Javano Hall.

Hall is accused of the May 30, 2019 shooting death of Shaquille Rolle at Culmersville.

The juror, whose name has been withheld, testified that she and Davis had attended the same school.

She said her messaged her and asked her, “What’s up?”

She replied, “Nothing much.”

Then Davis told her his cousin had chosen her as a juror on his trial.

Next, he asked, “Please find him not guilty because he’s not a troublesome person.”

The witness said she immediately blocked Davis and deleted him on Facebook before the conversation went any further.

After that, she contacted the bailiff and later spoke to the judge’s clerk.

Based on those conversations, the woman made a complaint to the police.

Davis, who is unrepresented, asked the woman how his message made her feel.

She replied that she was afraid and curious how he knew that she was a juror in the case.

Davis told the woman that he was sorry and that he meant no harm.

Based on Davis’ line of questioning, Magistrate Samuel McKinney adjourned the case for him to consult a lawyer.

The case resumes on December 17.

Inspector Timothy Bain is the prosecutor.