Lil Mel admits death threat to cop

NASSAU-Melvin Maycock Jr has admitted to threatening to kill an off-duty police officer.

Maycock, also known as Lil Mel, made the death threat during an argument with PC 3592 Dames at Potter’s Cay Dock at 7:30pm on June 25, 2019.

At the time, PC Dames was not in uniform. It’s unclear if Maycock knows Dames is a cop and who started the argument.

Attorney Jomo Campbell said Maycock was remorseful and had been drinking Hennessey and Red Bull at the time of the incident.

Although police had circulated a wanted poster for Maycock, Campbell said that he was living “openly in Eleuthera.”

Campbell said that police arrested the 35-year-old during a roadblock on the island.

Campbell said the convicted drug dealer was a “changed man.”

The lawyer said, “He has reprogrammed himself, your worship, changed his character. He has relocated to the Family Island of Eleuthera, where he is gainfully employed as a stone crab claw fisherman.”

Acknowledging Maycock’s drug dealing past, Campbell said, “He has seen that the seas actually produce legal, gainful employment.”

Campbell asked the court not to impose a prison sentence.

In sentencing, Senior Magistrate Carolyn Vogt-Evans said, “Threats of death is very serious offense, and it is even more serious, when it’s against an officer of law and justice.”

Vogt-Evans said that drunkenness was not an excuse and that a drunken man speaks a sober tongue.

She ordered Maycock to pay a $500 fine to avoid spending five months in prison.

Maycock paid the fine.

Past arrests

The Supreme Court in 2014 refused a bid by U.S. prosecutors to extradite Maycock for drug smuggling, citing insufficient evidence. However, Maycock has local convictions for drug trafficking. He also helped his father, Melvin Maycock Sr., escape from a cell at the Elizabeth Estates Police Station by switching places. Maycock Sr. was extradited to Florida for drug smuggling in 2015.