Former ATM serviceman stole $9,440

Travis Seymour

NASSAU-A former ATM serviceman stole $9,440 last month by using an override code.

Seymour stole the money from a Scotiabank ATM at the SuperClubs Breezes on July 28 and 30. Security cameras captured both thefts.

While in custody, Seymour told the police that someone gave him the codes that he used to steal $4,040 and $5,400 two days apart.

He pleaded guilty to two counts of stealing at his arraignment before Magistrate Samuel McKinney on Wednesday.

Magistrate McKinney fined Seymour $1,000 on each count and ordered him to repay the stolen money by October 1.

If he doesn’t, he’ll spend one year in prison.

Seymour has a pending case before Deputy Chief Magistrate Andrew Forbes in which he’s accused of stealing $233,000 from CIBC First Caribbean ATMs over four months.

Prosecutors say that he committed the thefts with the assistance of Samantha Gilbert, who then worked as the bank’s ATM supervisor.

Seymour and Gilbert faced those charges in January. He now operates a travel company.


  1. I don’t get it your on bail for stealing then you go and steal while on bail and bail isn’t revoked

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