Drunk driver jailed for killing pregnant girlfriend

Michelle Guerrier was killed in a traffic accident caused by her boyfriend.

ABACO- A drunk-driver whose pregnant girlfriend died in a three-car collision has been jailed for one year.

Mackenson Charles, 30, was under the influence of alcohol when he caused the January 15 collision that killed 39-year-old Michelle Guerrier.

She was five months pregnant.

Charles wasn’t supposed to be behind the wheel of his Honda Fit because he didn’t have a valid driver’s license or car insurance.

Charles crashed head-on into a 2001 Honda Accord on the S C Bootle Highway in Treasure Cay, Abaco around 9:30pm.

This triggered another collision, involving a 2007 Honda Accord.

Charles, the driver of the 2001 Honda and his front seat passenger all sustained serious injuries.

They were all airlifted to Nassau for treatment.

Charles admitted to tragically killing his girlfriend as a result of dangerous driving when he appeared before Magistrate Ancella Evans on Wednesday.

He was also fined $700 or one month in prison for four other traffic infractions.