Crackdown on street vendors

NASSAU-Police have pledged a crackdown on roadside vendors who operate without the required permits.

In a press release on Tuesday, ASP Audley Peters said it’s illegal to sell goods on the streets without approval from the commissioner of police. And those who operate without permission will be prosecuted for hawking.

People who want to sell goods need to apply at the business licensing section at Police Headquarters on East Street.

You’ll need to bring the following items to apply:

  • Copy of Bahamian Passport
  • Immigration Status for Non- Bahamians
  • Permission Letter for Government Property
  • Permission Letter for Private Property
  • Letter from Physical Planning (if applicable for structuring a building)
  • Food handlers/Health Certificate for applicants selling food
  • Inspection letter from Department of Environmental Health for selling food
  • Letter of compliance from the National Insurance Board