Court cuts time for man who touched boy

NASSAU- An Appeal Court has cut the sentence of a 57-year-old man who had inappropriate contact with a 13-year-old boy.

Basil Cartwright was jailed for three years after he pleaded guilty to indecent assault in March.

He filed an appeal against the length of his prison term on the grounds that it was too harsh. The Court agreed and reduced his jail term to 12 months. With time off for good behaviour, Cartwright could be freed from prison next month.

The Court heard that Deputy Chief Magistrate Debbye Ferguson first thought about fining Cartwright $8,000 for his crime.

But she decided to consult with the victim’s parents first. The teenager’s outspoken father objected, saying that he expected “justice.”

That’s when Magistrate Ferguson did an about-turn and slapped Cartwright with the maximum sentence.

However, prosecutor Darnell Dorsette agreed with defence lawyer Paco Deal that the sentence was not sustainable since Cartwright didn’t get time off for his guilty plea.

But they differed on the appropriate penalty. For her part, Dorsette suggested a sentence ranging from one to one-and-a-half years. By contrast, Deal sought a sentence of eight months.

Dorsette suggested a sentence of either one year or 18 months. On the other hand, Deal said that a sentence of eight months was appropriate.

After considering Cartwright’s early guilty plea, good character and remorse, the three-judge court decided that a sentence of 12 months fit the crime.