Home Court News Admitted thief loses unfair dismissal case

Admitted thief loses unfair dismissal case

NASSAU- A cashier who was fired after repaying stolen funds has lost a claim for unfair dismissal.

Angela Rahming pocketed $500 out of the $1,500 that she collected for inpatient drug treatment at Sandilands Rehabilitation Centre (SRC) on November 30, 2017.

Rahming, who worked at the Community Counselling and Assessment Centre (CCAC), created two receipts. She gave one for $1,500 to the customer, but submitted a second dated December 1, 2017 that showed she collected $1,053.

The theft was uncovered when the customer returned the CCAC on January 15, 2018 with her receipt and requested a refund because her relative “ran out of the hospital and was never admitted to Sandilands for the treatment.”

The Finance and Accounting Officer Theresa Ford called Rahming and asked why the sum deposited did not correspond with the amount paid.

Rahming in a subsequent call admitted that she had used $500 for a personal matter.

She alleges that she was promised that if she paid the money back “no one would know” about the theft.

During an investigation into the matter, Rahming was transferred to SRC.

When it was discovered that she was still handling cash, Rahming was assigned to paperwork duties in the SRC business office .

Rahming repaid the missing funds on February 1, 2018.

The inquiry into her actions continued. After being given an opportunity to respond, she was fired on July 16, 2018.

Rahming received $12,325.04 in lieu of notice and in severance pay.

She also received $ 9,469.62 for accrued vacation pay.

After she unsuccessfully challenged the Disciplinary Committee’s decision before an appeal committee, Rahming filed a trade dispute against the Public Hospitals Authority.

She sought reinstatement or damages.

Rahming’s lawyer argued that she was punished twice because she repaid the money before her dismissal.

But Industrial Tribunal found there was no reason to rule in her favour.

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