Members of cheque fraud ring escape jail sentence

Members of a cheque fraud ring are escorted into court

NASSAU-A magistrate gave six members of a cheque fraud ring an opportunity to maintain clean criminal records.

Carlos Valdez, 38; Arnell Armbrister, 24; Kendrea Smith, 27; Anavia Thompson, 22; Giselle Capernarus, 30; and Chiquia Rolle, 26, all admitted to defrauding HR Business Solutions by cashing forged cheques drawn on the company’s account.

They ripped off the company of $19,600 between August and September of 2018.

Investigators say they were recruited by two masterminds, who are still at large.

Despite their guilty pleas to charges of possession of forged documents, uttering forged documents and fraud by false pretences, Deputy Chief Magistrate Andrew Forbes gave them a second chance.

They each have until August 30 to repay the respective sums stolen and must remain on good behavior during the period of probation. Failure to comply with either condition will result in a sentence of six months in prison.

Armbrister has to repay $5,700; Rolle $3,200; Thompson $2,500; Valdez $2,500; Capernarus $2,500 and Smith $3,200.

Magistrate Forbes said that the offenses were serious and carried a possible penalty of five years in prison.

Forbes said, “Decisions, whether thought through or not, have consequences.”