Woman to pay love-rival for eye injury

NASSAU-A woman who hit her love rival in the face with a stick and injured her eye has been ordered to pay her victim compensation. Janiesha Mott, 23, carried out the unprovoked attack when she spotted her victim at Winky’s Bar on Carmichael Road on November 6. The victim was enjoying a night out with friends when Mott arrived wielding a stick. The 24-year-old woman tried to fend off the blows, but Mott managed to hit her in the left eye. As a result of the attack, the victim could not work for a month. She also incurred medical expenses of $614.06 When interviewed by police, Mott admitted to the attack. The case did not go to trial as Mott pleaded guilty to assault on December 14. Assistant Chief Magistrate Subusola Swain ordered Mott to pay her victim $2,043.06 for her lost income and medical expenses. If she doesn’t pay she’ll spend six months in custody. Mott has to pay the woman an additional $500 for pain and suffering. Otherwise, she will spent an additional 30 days in prison. The court heard that the pair had an ongoing feud over a man. Magistrate Swain said, “You did all this over a man. Do you see him in court to support you?” Mott replied, “No ma’am.” She wasn’t able to pay the money in full and made an initial payment of $200.