NASSAU- An 18-year-old woman was shot dead in the early hours of Saturday morning, almost two years after her half- brother was fatally shot.
Harrinique McPhee became the victim of an ambush shooting around 1am.
Police said she was at Coleman Lane with a 22-year-old man when three men emerged from bushes and opened fire on a Nissan March with high-powered weapons.
McPhee was killed and the man is in stable condition at hospital.
McPhee’s older brother, reputed Crack Nation gang leader Renardo “Crack Teeth” Bastian, was killed in April 2021 at age 31. Bastian, the leader of the Crack Nation gang, was killed in an ambush shooting shortly after he was released from police custody.
Maurice Pinder, 21; Travis Cooper, 25; Delano Smith, 34; Darrnario Saunders, 26, and Kendal Lord, 30, were also killed in the incident.
Before meeting his tragic end, Bastian lost two brothers to gun violence. Alfred “Half Man” Bastian was killed on December 3, 2020 at Cooper’s Terrace. Kino Kelly Bastian was killed in a drive-by shooting in Kemp Road on January 14, 2017.