Woman fined for baby daddy claim against politician

NASSAU- A woman who scandalized a Cabinet Minister’s name by saying he got his lover’s daughter pregnant was on Thursday convicted of intentional libel.

Capprio Saunders, 50, made the shocking accusations about Frankie Campbell, in a viral voice note.

Saunders claimed that Campbell’s wife had broken every glass in the house after hearing about the incident.

She also referenced Campbell’s Haitian heritage, by saying the incident was no surprise because “Haitians go with their own daughters first.”

Saunders also called Campbell a naughty boy and asked why he did that.

He testified, “In my professional capacity, it is embarrassing, having had the privilege to represent The Bahamas as far as the United Nations, speaking out against matters such as these, to have someone who doesn’t know me from Adam suggest that I don’t have the moral standing to be such a representative.”

In cross-examination, Saunders’ lawyer Maria Daxon, said that her client had used the word alleged throughout the voice note.

However, Campbell said the words alleged were canceled out by Saunders saying that she wasn’t surprised and asking why he did that.

Magistrate Samuel McKinney agreed and convicted Saunders of intentional libel.

She faced up to two years’ imprisonment.

However, Magistrate McKinney ordered Saunders to pay a $10,000 fine to avoid going to jail for one year.

Saunders remains free pending an appeal.