Uncle accused of incest denied bail

NASSAU – A man accused of sexually assaulting his niece claims he wasn’t on the island when the crime took place.

Prosecutors say the 25-year-old had unlawful sex with the 11-year-old girl in October 2021.

Additionally, he’s accused of indecently assaulting the same girl on December 13.

The sex-crime suspect hasn’t been named to protect the child’s identity.

He did not have to enter pleas to charges of incest and indecent assault.

However, he told Chief Magistrate Joyann Ferguson-Pratt that he was in Ragged Island.

According to the uncle, he was there working on the construction the airport.

Magistrate Ferguson -Pratt remanded him to prison because she lacks the authority to consider bail for the offences.

However, the man can seek bail in the Supreme Court.

His next court date in the Magistrates Court is February 4.