Home Court News Tourist robber jailed for two years

Tourist robber jailed for two years

NASSAU-Wearing an ankle bracelet didn’t stop a man from robbing a tourist on New Year’s Day.
But it was the GPS tracker on his victim’s stolen iPhone 10 Plus that quickly led police to Alando Williams.
Then police used the data from the bracelet—issued as a condition of bail for a stealing case— to tie him to the scene.
What was he thinking? During a police interview, the busted crook blamed using Molly, otherwise known as ecstasy, for his lack of judgment.
He pushed his Australian victim to the ground as she walked the Cable Beach strip and took her purse.
Police recovered the stolen phone and an Australian $20 note. The 23-year-old had already ditched his victim’s bag and IDs by the time he was caught.
Williams pleaded guilty to the tourist robbery at his arraignment before Magistrate Samuel McKinney.
He was jailed for two years.
Meanwhile, the stealing case is still pending.
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