Stepdad gets probation in child abuse case

Shawn Russell

NASSAU-A man is on one year’s probation for abusing his six-year-old stepson.

Police arrested auto detailer Shawn Russell after receiving a complaint that he knocked out the child’s tooth and squeezed his genitals on April 22.

Russell, 31, of Cowpen Road West, pleaded guilty to cruelty to children at his arraignment before Magistrate Kara Turnquest-Deveaux.

In court, Russell said that he disciplined the boy for engaging in a sex act with a male cousin.

Russell said he told the boy, “[Your private part] is for girls—not boys.”

Russell claimed a neighbour caught the children in the act. However, he said he didn’t know “who was on top.”

He also didn’t disclose the age of the other child.

The victim usually lives with his father. But his mother wanted him to stay with her during the quarantine, the court heard.

When the father went to pick up his son, he met him crying and shaking.

But he didn’t tell his father about the abuse until he got home.

During the investigation into the incident, Russell’s wife told the police that he had tugged the child’s genitals, the court heard.

As part of his probation, Russell has to attend parenting classes. The court ordered that Russell has no contact with the child during this period. Should he breach probation, he’ll spend one year in prison.