Shot murder suspect travels to Cuba for medical care

Nassau, BAHAMAS- A judge has granted a man facing murder, kidnapping and attempted armed robbery charges permission to travel abroad for medical treatment.

Zintworn Duncombe, otherwise known as Scummy, was shot multiple times in July while visiting a friend at John Road.

As a consequence of the shooting, the 35-year-old’s eyesight was affected.

Duncombe was given permission to travel to Cuba for treatment for one month.

Duncombe is on bail awaiting a second trial for the murders of Shane Gardiner and his mistress Tishka Braynen in Fresh Creek Andros in December 2013.

Prosecutors alleged that Duncombe was the mastermind of a plot to rob Gardiner of his gambling winnings.

On November 24, 2013, a group of men, including Duncombe, allegedly kidnapped the couple from Gardiner’s home and took them to Newbold Farms.

While there, Gardiner was questioned about the location of the money.

After he said that he didn’t have any, Duncombe allegedly shot Gardiner and Braynen in their heads.

Their decomposed remains were found on December 21, 2013.

Duncombe was convicted in 2016.

In 2020, his convictions were quashed and new trial was ordered based on “the failure of the trial judge to make a proper inquiry of the jury after the altercation between the forewoman and the alternate juror”.

Duncombe, who had been in custody since his arrest in 2013, was released on bail in 2021.

Copyright Bahamas Court News 2023