Senior fined for death threat to sister

NASSAU-A 62-year-old man with a history of making death threats has been fined $300 for threatening to kill his sister.

Richard Saunders, of Matthew Street, Nassau Village, pleaded guilty to a charge of threats of death at his arraignment before Assistant Chief Magistrate Subusola Swain.

Saunders made the threat during an argument with Virginia Curry around 1am on May 29, the court heard.

He told the court that he had no intention of killing his sister.

Saunders said, “I don’t want to kill my sister. I love my sister, but she provokes me when I’m half-cut, and when I say something, she runs to the police to lock me up.”

Saunders claimed that he took care of his siblings when their mother died.

This isn’t Saunders’ first conviction for threats of death.

Magistrates convicted him of the same offence in 2017 and 2018.

However, Saunders told the magistrate that he didn’t want to go back to prison. He said that he would make an effort to behave in the future.

He served eight months after he didn’t pay a $500 fine in 2018.

If Saunders doesn’t pay the $300 fine, he’ll spend 30 days in prison.