Scorned man admits smashing woman’s window

NASSAU- A scorned man smashed a woman’s window after she rejected his sexual advances, a court heard.

Murder suspect Dwayne Kelly threw a rock through Annette Metellus’ bedroom window, which broke a dresser mirror on October 13.

Kelly, who’s on bail while awaiting a second trial  the 2012 murder of Philario Simmons, was rapping to Metellus outside her mother’s home on East Street.

But she ended their  conversation when he begged for sex.

Kelly admitted the charge of causing damage at his arraignment before Deputy Chief Magistrate Andrew Forbes.

The court ordered Kelly to reimburse Metellus $683.76 to avoid spending two months in prison.

Kelly faces charges of assault and violating the curfew that stem from the same incident.

He will go to trial on those charges on December 15 and was granted $1,000 bail.