Rock-wielding man smashed police car’s windshield

NASSAU – A rock-throwing man who shattered the back glass of a police car has been fined.

Geanado Sinclair faced a magistrate yesterday and pleaded guilty to causing damage and assault with a dangerous instrument.

The court heard that a woman called police on November 1 because the 21-year-old was throwing rocks at her house window.

When officers arrived at the scene in Gamble Heights, they got out and spoke to the woman.

That’s when Sinclair appeared and started throwing rocks at them, putting them in fear.

Sinclair retreated after a policeman opened fire at him with his service revolver.

It was at that point that they noticed that he had smashed the rear windshield of the marked patrol car, causing $1,012.15 in damage.

Police arrested Sinclair later that day and he admitted the offenses.

Sinclair said he was upset because they woman was talking to another man.

He was given the choice of paying a $1,000 fine or spending three months in prison.