Relatives question police account of fatal shooting

NASSAU- Relatives of a 31-year-old man fatally shot by police are seeking answers.

Police say Azario Major had a firearm during his deadly encounter with three off-duty officers outside a bar on Firetrail Road on December 26.

According to police, Mr Major left the bar “irate” after the officers spoke to him about his “disorderly” behavior. He allegedly returned moments later and left again.

Police allege that Mr Major had a firearm when he returned. The officers, who were “in fear of their lives”, opened fire on Mr Major, killing him at the scene.

In a telephone interview, the victim’s sister, Fredia Major, said two unidentified police officers came to her parents home around 11:30pm Sunday. They were told that their son was involved in “an incident.”

At that point, Ms Major said the family did not know whether her brother was under arrest or in hospital.

Ms Major said Chief Superintendent Anton Rahming provided little details during a meeting at Criminal Investigation Department on Monday.

She said police gave more details to the media than they did to the family.

Ms Major is doubtful that the family will find out exactly what happened as the bar where the incident took place is a popular police hangout.

She said, “Everything about this incident is shady.”

She said the family hoped to learn exactly what happened from surveillance footage. However, she learned that police have the footage from the bar.

Ms Major said, “I believe my brother was wrongfully shot.”

She found it hard to believe that police recovered a firearm from her brother, as he had no criminal history nor track record of violent behavior.

Ms Major wants a transparent investigation into her brother’s death, but she’s afraid that won’t happen since the police are investigating themselves.

Ms Major described her brother as easy-going and likable. She said he worked at a family business in downtown Nassau.