PM’s ‘nephew’ fined for ignoring lockdown

Nassau, BAHAMAS-Name dropping didn’t help a man who left home during the lockdown imposed to reduce the spread of the coronavirus.

Ramond Minnis had to pay a $350 fine to avoid spending three months in prison, despite claims that Prime Minister Hubert Minnis is his uncle.

Police arrested Ramond Minnis at Ross Corner around 9pm on April 18.

Minnis pleaded guilty to violation of lockdown at his arraignment before Magistrate Samuel McKinney.

He told the magistrate that he was headed to a shop when police stopped him.

The lockdown that came into effect at 9pm on April 17 and ended at 5am on April 20 ordered the closure of all stores.

The lockdown restricted residents to their homes unless they worked in essential services or had a medical emergency.

The magistrate asked Minnis if he knew that the country was locked down on orders of the prime minister.

Minnis replied, “That’s my uncle. Minnis who owns the gas station is my grandfather.”

Violating the lockdown could attract prison sentences up to 18 months and fines up to $10,000.

Another lockdown comes into effect at 9pm on April 24 and ends at 5am on April 27.

As of April 22, there were 70 confirmed local cases of coronavirus, with nine deaths.