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Name-dropping man arrested for unruly conduct


NASSAU- A man was arrested for disorderly conduct after he cursed police while name dropping.

Police officers were at a curfew checkpoint near Goodman’s Bay in July 2021 when they stopped Javargo Toney’s car at 11:20pm.

This upset Toney and he became unruly. He beat on the hood of his car and told the constables, “Back the f*** up because my old man is an Assistant Superintendent of Police.”

But Toney’s name dropping didn’t work and the officers charged him with disorderly behavior.

Toney pleaded guilty to the charge before his trial began.

He told Assistant Chief Magistrate Subu Swain that his stepfather was an ASP. However, Toney said his stepdad didn’t know that he’d used his name in an attempt to get past the curfew checkpoint.

The magistrate ordered Toney to stay out of trouble for 60 days to avoid spending seven days in prison.



Woman denies trying to run over love rival


NASSAU- A woman accused of trying to run over her ex-boyfriend’s new lover with her car has been charged.

Prosecutors allege that Alisha Demetria Ferguson, 23, attempted to knock down D. Smith on March 20, 2021.

Ferguson pleaded not guilty to assault with a dangerous instrument on Friday, November 19.

Magistrate Kendra Kelly set her bail at $5,000 on the condition that she reports to the Carmichael Road Police Station before 6pm on Mondays and stays away from her alleged victim.

Ferguson’s trial is set for January 24, 2022.

Sergeant 260 Vernon Pyfrom prosecuted.

Extradited drug dealers plead guilty in Florida


Three Bahamian drug dealers who were extradited to Florida in September are now awaiting sentencing.

Edson Watson, Nathaniel Knowles, and former policeman Ian Bethel on Friday pleaded guilty to conspiracy to import cocaine into the United States between June and November 2002.

The men were part of drug gang headed by Austin “Ozzie” Knowles. He ended his fight against extradition in 2018. Knowles was sentenced to 12 years’ imprisonment, less the five years he had spent in custody in The Bahamas and United States.

Authorities brought down the drug trafficking organization through wiretaps and the evidence of accomplices, who became cooperating witnesses.

Bethel worked as a navigator on one of the police vessels assigned to intercept drugs during the investigation into Knowles’ gang.

However, wiretaps revealed that Bethel used his inside information of surveillance activities and patrols to warn Austin Knowles about police activities.

Watson assisted with the delivery of the cocaine into the United States and Nathaniel Knowles was heard arranging the shipments on wiretaps.

Bahamian authorities arrested Watson, Knowles and Bethel in December 2002 on a provisional extradition after a U.S grand jury indicted them.

A full extradition request was made on February 6, 2003.

The were finally extradited after a legal battle of almost 19 years.




Court worker charged with attempted murder


NASSAU- A court employee who allegedly beat and stabbed his girlfriend while she held their child has been charged.

Soon after the child was taken to safety, Ray Sands, 32, ran over Petra Curry wigh his car, dragging her several feet.

She remains in critical condition in hospital.

Sands, of Joan’s Heights, faced charges of attempted murder and exposing a child to grievous harm when he appeared before Chief Magistrate Joyann Ferguson-Pratt in relation to the incident through Key West Street on November 15.

He didn’t have to enter pleas to the charges and was denied bail.

However, he was advised of his right to apply for bail in the Supreme Court.

Sands next returns to court on February 8.

He worked as a messenger in the account section of the Supreme Court.


Woman burns boyfriend with boiling water, cops say


NASSAU- A woman is accused of pouring boiling water on her boyfriend while he slept.

Lasade Rolle, 32, of Quarry Mission Road, is charged with causing grievous harm to the man on November 17.

The victim, the father of Rolle’s children, sustained burns to 17 percent of his body.

Magistrate Kendra Kelly remanded Rolle to prison pending a bail hearing.

Sergeant 260 Vernon Pyfrom prosecuted.


Man accused of trying to fix verdict in murder case


NASSAU – A man tried to influence an acquaintance’s vote in his cousin’s murder trial, a court heard yesterday.

Sharano Davis, 25, faces a charge of obstruction of justice over his May 4 Facebook message to the juror, who had been selected to decide the fate of accused killer Javano Hall.

Hall is accused of the May 30, 2019 shooting death of Shaquille Rolle at Culmersville.

The juror, whose name has been withheld, testified that she and Davis had attended the same school.

She said her messaged her and asked her, “What’s up?”

She replied, “Nothing much.”

Then Davis told her his cousin had chosen her as a juror on his trial.

Next, he asked, “Please find him not guilty because he’s not a troublesome person.”

The witness said she immediately blocked Davis and deleted him on Facebook before the conversation went any further.

After that, she contacted the bailiff and later spoke to the judge’s clerk.

Based on those conversations, the woman made a complaint to the police.

Davis, who is unrepresented, asked the woman how his message made her feel.

She replied that she was afraid and curious how he knew that she was a juror in the case.

Davis told the woman that he was sorry and that he meant no harm.

Based on Davis’ line of questioning, Magistrate Samuel McKinney adjourned the case for him to consult a lawyer.

The case resumes on December 17.

Inspector Timothy Bain is the prosecutor.


Man in critical condition after Bimini shooting


BIMINI- A man was airlifted to New Providence in critical condition after a fight in Bailey Town, Bimini escalated to a shooting.

The incident happened around 9am and was captured on video.

The video shows both men fighting in the street.

However, the man who appears to be losing the fight gains an advantage when a third man gives him a handgun.

The gunman fires multiple shots as his victim runs for his life.


Guards bust inmate with ganja in 2 cell raids


NASSAU-Guards busted an inmate with marijuana twice in September, a court heard.

Stephen Anthony Greene, 28, is on trial for two counts of drug possession with intent to supply.

Greene, who is serving 15 years for armed robbery, has denied the allegations at his trial before Magistrate Samuel McKinney.

Corrections officer Aurelia Russell, who’s attached to the prison’s canine unit, testified that she went to Greene’s cell in Maximum Security with a drug sniffing dog on September 14.

According to Russell, when she deployed the dog it gave an indication near two buckets in the middle of the cell.

The prosecutor, Inspector Timothy Bain, asked, “Where was the defendant at that time?”

Russell replied, “He was standing in front of his cell on the outside.”

Russell said Corporal Christoph Taylor found 58 packages of marijuana hidden in the “grooves” of one of the buckets.

The drugs weighed a total of 2.6 ounces valued at $200.

Guards raided Greene’s cell again in September 20.

On that occasion, Principal Officer Manuel Jacques said he found two plastic bags containing just over one ounce of marijuana inside a Monster energy drink can.

Both officers said that Greene was the sole occupant of his cell.

Greene, who is representing himself, denied that drugs were in his cell. He also argued that he could not see what the guards were doing because he was outside the cell.

Greene’s trial continues on December 17.

In February, Greene’s girlfriend, Warnika Russell, was caught smuggling 2.6 pounds of marijuana into the prison while pretending to be a lawyer.

She told officers that Greene had offered her $3,000 to smuggle the drugs.

Cubans jailed for damage to detention centre


NASSAU- Forty-four Cuban migrants have been jailed for six weeks after pleading guilty to damaging the Carmichael Road Detention Center.

Between October 1 and November 2, caused damage totaling $18,049.60 to a fence, bathroom fixtures and 20 under-bed storage units.

Magistrate Shaka Serville ordered each man to pay $410 in restitution for the damage caused. Failing to pay will result in an additional six months in prison.

Gay child molester drops appeal


NASSAU- Child molester Allan Bain has abandoned his appeal for the statutory rape of a teenage boy.

Bain, 39, was jailed for four years after he admitted to having sex with the 15-year-old with three times between July 1 and August 16.

The age of consent for homosexual sex is 18.

Bain told a magistrate that his “relationship” with the child was not “exclusive.”

Bain told a magistrate that he did not know the boy’s age.

However, Bain said he “knew he was young.”

Bain said he knew the child’s mother.

The boy told police that he stayed with Bain in South Bahamia after his family put him out.

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