Nursing mom granted bail on armed robbery charge

Police escort accused armed robbers Ashley Minnis (yellow striped shirt) and Letero Pyfrom to court. Minnis' girlfriend Matina McKenzie is not shown

NASSAU-A judge on Tuesday granted bail $9,000 bail to a nursing mother accused of armed robbery.

Prosecutors say Matina McKenzie, 37, held up Coca Cola on University Boulevard with her boyfriend, Ashley Minnis, 29, and Letero Pyfrom, 25, on July 16.

They faced charges of armed robbery and receiving at their initial court appearance.

They’re accused of robbing cashier Derrick Hepburn of $544.90 while armed with a .380 pistol. In the alternative, prosecutors allege they received the money.

They did not have to enter pleas to charges of armed robbery and receiving when they appeared before Chief Magistrate Joyann Ferguson-Pratt.

She refused them bail and adjourned the matter to November 4 for the presentation of a voluntary bill of indictment.

Soon after, attorney Ian Cargill applied for emergency bail for McKenzie, the mother of a four-month-old.

Justice Bernard Turner granted bail so that she could look after her infant. However, Minnis and Pyfrom remain in custody.