Home Court News Man who got teen girl pregnant gets 4 years

Man who got teen girl pregnant gets 4 years

4 years in plea deal
Justin Pratt

NASSAU- A pervert who got a 14-year-old he met on Facebook pregnant has been jailed.

Justin Pratt, 40, was sentenced to four years’ imprisonment when he pleaded guilty to five counts of statutory rape before Justice Renae McKay.

Pursuant to a plea deal, Pratt will spend three years on probation after he completes his prison term.

Pratt risks returning to prison for two years if he commits any crime during the probationary period.

Pratt met the high school student on social media in 2019. After talking online, the pair eventually met up for sex on multiple occasions.

Police caught Pratt red handed on January 24, 2020 after the child skipped school for one of their illegal hookups.

A concerned citizen called police when they saw Pratt taking the girl, who was still wearing her school uniform, into his apartment on Shamrock Close around 9am.

When the officers responded, they reportedly heard “sexual noises” coming from the residence.

After entering the home, the officers arrested Pratt on suspicion of statutory rape

The child told police that their illicit relationship began in June 2019.

Police informed the teen’s mother about her whereabouts and took her to the hospital, where a doctor confirmed she was pregnant.
It’s not known if she had the baby.

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