Man jailed in revenge porn case

Livingston Joseph

Nassau, BAHAMAS-A man who shared a sex tape of his former partner on social media has been jailed.

Jilted Livingston Joseph humiliated the woman by sharing the raunchy video with her coworkers and former schoolmates.

The court heard that Joseph also sent the video to a man, who has a child with the woman.

In jailing Joseph for six months, presiding magistrate Andrew Forbes said his behaviour was unacceptable.

The magistrate said the sentence reflected the court’s disgust for revenge porn.

Forbes said, “Perhaps you will give a second thought before you hit send.”

Prosecutor Kendrick Bauld said Joseph recorded the intimate act with the woman’s consent.

However, he promised to delete it.

She told police that she was embarrassed when her child’s father showed her the explicit recording.

Even worse, the adult video later resurfaced in her work and school groups.

Joseph pleaded guilty to intentional libel on April 29. He said he sent the video to the man who fathered his former partner’s child because he was upset.

But he denied sending the video to anyone else.

The magistrate said that Joseph was still responsible for what was intended as an intimate act getting into the public domain.

Despite his betrayal, Joseph claimed he still loved the woman.

Joseph did not have a lawyer. The court advised him of his right to appeal the sentence.