Man jailed for sex with second teen girl

NASSAU- A man who illegally had sex with a 15-year-old girl has been sentenced to 18 months’ imprisonment.

Antorn Johnson, 21, was on bail awaiting trial for allegedly having sex with another 15-year-old girl, when he was arrested for the offense in June.

The court could not take the pending matter into account in sentencing. However, Johnson was denied bail because of it.

The girl’s father alerted authorities after he found out about the illegal relationship.

Johnson admitted to having sex with the teenager in January, February and on March 8.

Johnson’s lawyer, Craig Butler, failed to convince Magistrate Samuel McKinney to let his client off with a “strong warning.”

Butler said the court didn’t have the chance to see the teenager to determine if she appeared older than 15. The age of consent for heterosexual relationships is 16.

Butler said that Johnson was 20 at the time of the hookups.

Butler said young people are inundated with sexual images and sometimes “things get frisky.”

However, Magistrate McKinney said the blame should not placed on the minor. He said, “The law is the law and young men should govern themselves accordingly.”