Man jailed for indecent assault of teen girl

NASSAU- A man has been sentenced to one year in prison for the indecent assault of a 14-year-old girl.

Matthew Butterfield, 39, admitted to grabbing the girl between her legs and telling her, “this is what I want” when he appeared in court for his trial on Monday, February 14.

The incident happened when Butterfield, a friend of the teen’s family, visited their home on August 4, 2021.

Butterfield had denied committing the crime when he initially appeared before Magistrate Samuel McKinney on December 7, 2021. He was remanded to prison after no one posted his $3,500 bail.

Butterfield said he decided not to waste any more time after his case was called.

Magistrate McKinney ordered the sentence to commence from the date of his remand to prison.

Butterfield will spend an additional six months in prison if he doesn’t pay $500 towards counseling for his victim.

After his release from custody, Butterfield will be on probation for two years.

If he breaches the terms of his probation, he will be sent back to prison for one year.