NASSAU- A man who kept his face mask in his pocket instead of wearing it has been fined.
Police arrested Felton Turner, 21, of Pinedale, on June 29 for failing to wear a mask in public.
Officers were on patrol on Quakoo Street around 2pm when they saw him on the street among a group of men without a protective mask.
When the officers approached Turner about not wearing a mask, he pulled one out of his pocket, the court heard.
He also flailed his arms and asked the officers, “Why y’all fooling with us?”
Turner pleaded guilty to violating the requirement to wear a mask and disorderly behaviour on Friday.
Magistrate Samuel McKinney fined him $150 or one month in prison for disobeying the mask order.
The magistrate advised Turner to wear his mask in the future.
He was sentenced to six months of probation on the disorderly behaviour charge.
A probation violation will result in a $500 fine or one month in prison.