Man accused of setting aunt’s house afire

NASSAU- A man faces multiple counts of arson after he allegedly set three fires at his aunt’s home.

Andrew Lehenza Bain, 28, is accused of setting a fire to Judy Wallace’s home at Jumbay Street, Pinewood Gardens on July 30.

The fire to the porch caused $1,500 in damage.

On September 7, Bain allegedly started a fire that caused $2,500 in damage to the home’s wash room.

Later that month, on September 24, Bain allegedly set ablaze an efficiency on the home, resulting in $1,000 in damage.

Bain did not have to enter pleas to charges of arson of a dwelling home at his arraignment before Assistant Chief Magistrate Subusola Swain.

He was denied bail. Bain’s next court date is December 16.