Home Court News Man, 51, charged with underage sex with 13-year-old girl

Man, 51, charged with underage sex with 13-year-old girl

NASSAU- A man accused of having sex with an underage girl was denied bail at his initial court appearance.

Glenroy Lynes, 51, of East Street north, appeared before Deputy Chief Magistrate Andrew Forbes on a charge of unlawful sexual intercourse on July 15.

Prosecutors said Lynes had sex with the 13-year-old on July 10. The girl could not consent to the act as she is under 16.

Lynes did not enter a plea to the charge. Prosecutors will fast-track the case to the Supreme Court with the presentation of a voluntary bill of indictment on October 14.

Unless he’s granted bail by a Supreme Court judge, Lynes will remain in custody.


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