Lawyer misses deadline to repay client due to sickness

Nassau, Bahamas- A crooked lawyer’s sickness has delayed a final payment of $80,000 to a former client.

Phillip Lundy, 62, stole $180,000 from Donald Campbell.

Lundy represented Campbell during the purchase of a home in Pride Estates.

However, Campbell later learned that Lundy kept the money instead of turning it over to the Bahamas Mortgage Corporation.

Lundy pleaded guilty to stealing by reason of service in July 2021 and promised to repay the stolen money.

So far, he’s repaid $100,000. He made his last payment on December 20.

On that date, Chief Magistrate Joyann Ferguson-Pratt warned Lundy that he’d go to prison if he didn’t pay the $80,000 balance by December 30.

However, Lundy didn’t show up to make his final payment to Campbell. He sent in a sick slip excusing him for appearing in court.

The matter is now set for January 30, 2022.