Plans to resume jury trials, family court

NASSAU- The Supreme Court intends to resume jury trials for the first time since March, when the COVID-19 global pandemic hit the country.

Although the country is experiencing a surge in cases, the court’s website says that it intends to resume jury trials in September.

The actual start date depends on “future developments relating to the COVID-19 pandemic.”

During the pandemic, the Supreme Court continued its work by holding bail and case management hearings remotely.

However, jury trials must be held in person.

For now, all in-person Supreme Court civil cases remain suspended.

Over in the Magistrates’ Courts, there are plans to resume civil and family cases next month.

The start date depends on current conditions in the country.

In the meantime, urgent civil and family claims can be filed in the Magistrates’ Courts Civil Registry from 10:30am to 2:30pm.

These claims must be certified by the chief magistrate or the deputy chief magistrate.

Traffic cases that resumed on July 27 are once again suspended due to the lockdown. However, you can still pay traffic tickets.

Meanwhile, magistrates continue to process new cases with arraignments and deliver decisions in part-heard cases.

The accounts section remains open to receive court-ordered maintenance payments. The beneficiaries will receive the payments by direct deposit.