Fishing lodge owner jailed over unpaid debt

NASSAU- An unpaid debt landed bonefish lodge owner Prescott Smith behind bars.

Smith’s failure to return a $7,600 deposit on a property sale that fell through in 2009 finally put him in prison.

He now owes Colin and Anna DeGregory $32,500, inclusive of legal fees and interest.

Committal warrant for Prescott Smith

On February 4, Justice Diane Stewart found Smith in contempt of court over the outstanding debt and ordered his committal to prison for 14 days

Stewart suspended the order for 30 days to give Smith time to pay.

However, the committal warrant wasn’t executed until late September.

Days later Smith’s lawyer, Keod Smith, convinced Justice Loren Klein to order his release at an emergency application.

That release reportedly didn’t take place immediately—and prison boss Charles Murphy was placed on administrative leave, pending an inquiry into his alleged failure to follow a court order.

Unfortunately for Smith, he could return to prison if the money isn’t paid, or if he loses an appeal against the contempt finding.