Crooked contractor jailed

Contractor Kevin Frazier
Kevin Frazier (shown on right) has been jailed for stealing $10,000 from a client

NASSAU- A building contractor who took advantage of a client has been sentenced to six months in prison.

Kevin Frazier, 51, pleaded guilty to stealing $10,000 Gracie Knowles on October 1, 2020 for work that he never started.

After his guilty plea to a charge of stealing by reason of service, Frazier refunded Knowles $5,000 of the money that he stole from her.

But he failed to return the remainder by the deadline set by Chief Magistrate Joyann Ferguson-Pratt, which resulted in his imprisonment.

Knowles has a second complaint of stealing by reason of service against Frazier regarding $34,000 that she paid him on July 23, 2020.

Frazier has maintained his not guilty plea to that charge. That matter has been adjourned to August 16.



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