Court tosses watch theft case, orders $21k returned

FREEPORT- Two New Providence men have been acquitted of stealing more than $400,000 in merchandise during a 2018 smash-and-grab robbery at John Bull in Freeport.

Corradon Cockburn, 35, and Diego Carey, 27, were acquitted of conspiracy to commit robbery by Deputy Chief Magistrate Debbye Ferguson.

And, the magistrate ordered authorities to return $21, 281 from Cockburn that had been seized as the proceeds of criminal conduct “as soon as possible.”

The magistrate ruled that prosecutors had failed to prove that Cockburn and Carey robbed John Bull of 35 Rolex watches and two Breitling watches during a robbery at John Bull on July 23, 2018.

Likewise, the prosecution failed to persuade the magistrate that the money taken from Cockburn was derived from the sales of the stolen watches.

Magistrate Ferguson determined that the men did not have a case to answer.

Surveillance footage shows the smash and grab robbers fleeing the scene

On the day of the robbery, two men dressed like women, arrived at the Port Lucaya business shortly before it opened.

They smashed showcases and helped themselves to the luxury watches with a combined value of $427,520 before fleeing the scene.

Police arrested Carey on July 31, 2018 after he allegedly tried to leave Freeport with five of the stolen Rolex watches. 

Bjorn Ferguson represented Cockburn. Carey did not have a lawyer.


  1. The country is corrupt! The court is corrupt, the people are corrupt! We are heading down a slippery slope and if something isn’t done to correct it the Bahamas as we know it will be LOST!!!

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