NASSAU- A magistrate did not convict a man who presented two fake IDs to the National Insurance Board (NIB) cheque distribution site.
Instead, Magistrate Sandradee Gardiner ordered OcNeal Box to perform 500 hours of community service. If Box doesn’t complete the community service, he’ll spend six months in a prison.
Box, who is of Haitian descent, admitted to buying a Bahamian driver’s license and NIB smart card for $450, the court heard.
NIB fraud officer Jemma Hepburn called police for Box on June 26 after he presented the fake IDs.
The court heard that Ms. Hepburn checked NIB’s system and found the card number was assigned to O’Neil Dubois. However, no photo or supporting documents were in the system. Additionally, the NIB did not issue a smart card for the number.
As a result, Ms. Hepburn requested a second form of identification. That’s when Box presented the Bahamian driver’s license. Ms. Hepburn said she deemed both documents fake because they contained the same low resolution photo.